ref: dockerize


h1(order-620). Advanced search

p.  _When an user is navigating on the system, he can do a search to find articles, communities, people, enterprises or products._

*  "How to access":#howaccess
*  "Description":#description
*  "Related topics":#relatedtopics

h2(#howaccess). How to access

p. Do a search as explained in "Searching":/doc/navigation/searching

h2(#description). Description

# Click on "More options" to specify the search  !=/images/doc/search-more-options.en.png(More options button on search)!
# Type what you want to search on the system  !=/images/doc/search-more-options-open.en.png(More options on search)!
## Select the State where you want to find what you are looking for
## Select the City where you want to find what you are looking for
## The distance that you define in this field will be used to find what you want. The system will search the articles/people/communities/events/enterprises/products that are up to that distance from the city specified
## Choose what you are looking for
## Click on "Search" button to do the search.
# In this example, we searched for "free software" in articles/people/communities/events/enterprises/products. Then you will see a screen with the search result. Each box brings one kind of information with a limited number of results. To see more results of a box, click on "See all" link below the box.  !=/images/doc/search-results-with-example.en.png(Advanced search results with example)!

h2(#relatedtopics). Related topics

*  "Searching":/doc/navigation/searching
*  "Findind people":/doc/navigation/searching-people
*  "Finding communities":/doc/navigation/searching-communities
*  "Finding enterprises":/doc/navigation/searching-enterprises
*  "Finding products and services":/doc/navigation/searching-products-services

"Back to top":#online-doc-text