ref: dockerize


h1(order-330). Posting on blog

p.  _You can have a blog and publish posts on it._

*  "How to access":#howaccess
*  "Description":#description
*  "Related topics":#relatedtopics

h2(#howaccess). How to access

# If you don't have a blog yet, you can create yours following instructions on "Creating a blog":/doc/cms/creating-blog .
# To find your blog, first find you user menu on top bar:  !=/images/doc/system-homepage-top-menu.en.png(Top menu)!
# In user menu, click on Control Panel:  !=/images/doc/menu-control-panel.en.png(Control panel on menu)!
# Then, click on "Manage content":  !=/images/doc/control-panel-content-management.en.png(Manage content in control panel)!

h2(#description). Description

# Find your blog on the list and click to view it.  !=/images/doc/cms-blog-public-visualization.en.png(Public visualization of blog in CMS)!
# You will see your blog. Click on "New post" button:  !=/images/doc/blog-buttons.en.png(Blog button on visualization mode)!
# Then, write an article following instructions on "Writing an article":/doc/cms/writing-article .

h2(#relatedtopics). Related topics

*  "Creating a blog":/doc/cms/creating-blog
*  "Managing your content":/doc/cms/managing-content

"Back to top":#online-doc-text