ref: dockerize


h1(order-350). Managing your content

p.  _Folder is a structure used to organize files in a computer and can also be called a directory. It may contain other files and folders, which may also contain other directories_

p.  _It is usually used to organize files from the same category, like music, videos, poems, recipes, payments or the way the user prefers._

p.  _To organize your texts/images/files, you should manage your content._

*  "How to access":#howaccess
*  "Description":#description
*  "Related topics":#relatedtopics

h2(#howaccess). How to access

# Find your menu on top bar:  !=/images/doc/ystem-homepage-top-menu.en.png(Top menu)!
# In user menu, click on Control Panel:  !=/images/doc/menu-control-panel.en.png(Control panel on menu)!
# Then, click on "Manage content":  !=/images/doc/control-panel-content-management.en.png(Manage content in control panel)!

h2(#description). Description

# You will see some buttons and the list of your content. The folders are listed first and then your files/articles. Clicking on your folders, you will see the files/folders inside them.  !=/images/doc/cms.en.png(CMS with marks on buttons)!
# Click to create a new folder. To understand categories and tags, read "Writing an article":/doc/cms/writing-article from item 7.  !=/images/doc/new-folder.en.png(Creating a new folder)!
## Fill in with the name you want for your folder
## Select the type of the folder you want to create. If you want to use it to organize pictures, choose the type "Image gallery"
## Fill in with some information about the folder
# Click to upload files  !=/images/doc/cms-uploading-files.en.png(Uploading files from CMS)!
## Select the folder where the file will be uploaded
## Select the file in your computer
## If you want to upload more files at once, click on "More files"
## Click on "Upload"
# Clicking on this button, you will create a new article. To learn how to write an article, read "Writing an article":/doc/cms/writing-article
# Folder options. From left to right:  !=/images/doc/cms-folder-icons.en.png(Folder icons on CMS)!
##  *Edit:* It allows you to change folder's information
##  *Public view:* It shows how the folder will be displayed to the others users
##  *Use as homepage:* Set the folder as your homepage
##  *Delete:* Delete the folder
# Files options. From left to right:  !=/images/doc/cms-article-icons.en.png(Article icons on CMS)!
##  *Edit:* It allows you to change the article
##  *Public view:* It shows how the folder will be displayed to the others users
##  *Publish:* It should be used to publish your articles in communities or enterprises that you are member
##  *Use as homepage:* Set the article as your homepage
##  *Delete:* Delete the article

h2(#relatedtopics). Related topics

*  "Writing an article":/doc/cms/writing-article

"Back to top":#online-doc-text