ref: dockerize
h1(order-20). Export the list of users p. _If you are an environment administrator, you can export the list of all users in XML or CSV formats._ * "How to access":#howaccess * "Description":#description h2(#howaccess). How to access # Find your user menu on top bar: !=/images/doc/system-homepage-top-menu-admin.en.png(Top menu)! # In user menu, click on Administration: !=/images/doc/menu-admin.en.png(Control panel on menu)! # Then, click on "Manage users" link: !=/images/doc/admin-panel-manage-users.en.png(Manage users in admin panel)! h2(#description). Description p. In "Manage users", choose which format you want to export the list. There are 2 options, "CSV" and "XML". p. Click on the link of the format you choosed and download it: !=/images/doc/admin-panel-export-users.en.png(Download list of users link on manage users)! "Back to top":#online-doc-text