ref: dockerize


<%= _('Manage trusted sites') %>

<%= _('Here you can manage the list of trusted sites of your environment. A trusted site is a site that you consider safe enough to incorporate their content through iframes.') %>

<% @sites.each do |site| %> <% end %>
<%= _('Site') %> <%= _('Actions') %>
<%= link_to site, :action => 'show', :site => site %> <%= button_without_text :edit, _('Edit'), :action => 'edit', :site => site %> <%= button_without_text :remove, _('Remove'), {action: :destroy, site: site}, method: :delete, data: {confirm: _('Are you sure you want to remove this site from the list of trusted sites?')} %>
<%= button_bar do %> <%= button :add, _('Add a trusted site'), :action => 'new' %> <%= button :back, _('Back to admin panel'), :controller => 'admin_panel' %> <% end %>