ref: dockerize


<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'tasks' %>

<%= _("%s's pending tasks") % %>

<% type_collection = [[nil, _('All')]] + @task_types %> <% if !@failed.blank? %>

<% @failed.each do |error, tasks_descriptions|%>

<%= error %>

<%=_("This error happened with the following tasks: ")%>

    <% tasks_descriptions.each do |description| %>
  • <%= description %>
  • <% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <%= form_tag '#', :method => 'post' do %> <%= field_set_tag _('Filter'), :class => 'filter_fields' do %>

<%= labelled_select(_('Type of task')+': ', :filter_type, :first, :last, @filter_type, type_collection, {:id => 'filter-type'}) %>

<%= labelled_text_field(_("Text filter")+': ', :filter_text, nil, {:id => 'filter-text-autocomplete',:value => @filter_text}) %>

<%= submit_button(:search, _('Search')) %>

<% end %> <% end %> <% if @tasks.empty? %>

<%= _('No pending tasks for %s') % %>

<% else %> <%= form_tag tasks_url(:action => 'close') do%> <%= button_bar(:class => 'task-actions') do %> <%# FiXME button(:edit, _('View my requests'), :action => 'list_requested') %> <%# FIXME button('menu-mail', _('Send request'), :action => 'new') %> <%= submit_button :save, _("Apply!") %> <%= button(:edit, _('View processed tasks'), :action => 'processed') %> <%= button(:back, _('Back to control panel'), :controller => 'profile_editor') %> <% end unless @view_only %>
    <% unless @view_only %>

    <%= labelled_select(_("Set all to: "), 'set-decisions', 'first', 'last', nil, [['',""],['accept',_("Accept")],['reject',_("Reject")],['skip',_("Skip")]], :id => "up-set-all-tasks-to") %>

    <% end %>
    <% @tasks.each do |task| %> <%= render :partial => partial_for_class(task.class, nil, nil), :locals => {:task => task} %> <% end %>
    <% unless @view_only %>

    <%= labelled_select(_("Set all to: "), 'set-decisions', 'first', 'last', nil, [['',""],['accept',_("Accept")],['reject',_("Reject")],['skip',_("Skip")]], :id => "down-set-all-tasks-to") %>

    <% end %>
<%= pagination_links(@tasks)%> <%= button_bar(:class => 'task-actions') do %> <%# FiXME button(:edit, _('View my requests'), :action => 'list_requested') %> <%# FIXME button('menu-mail', _('Send request'), :action => 'new') %> <%= submit_button :save, _("Apply!") %> <%= button(:edit, _('View processed tasks'), :action => 'processed') %> <%= button(:back, _('Back to control panel'), :controller => 'profile_editor') %> <% end unless @view_only %> <% end %> <% end %>

<%= javascript_include_tag 'tasks' %>