ref: dockerize


<%= h profile.short_name %> <%= (profile.person?) ? _('Personal Control Panel') : _('Control Panel') %>

<%= render :partial => 'pending_tasks' %> <% control_panel do %> <%= control_panel_button(profile.control_panel_settings_button[:title], profile.control_panel_settings_button[:icon], :controller => 'profile_editor', :action => 'edit') %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Location and Regions of Interest'), 'edit-location', :controller => 'maps', :action => 'edit_location') %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Mail settings'), 'mail', :controller => 'mailconf') if profile.person? && MailConf.enabled? %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Tasks'), 'todo', :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'index') %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Edit sideboxes'), 'blocks', :controller => 'profile_design', :action => 'index') %> <% unless defined? ConsumersCoopPlugin and profile.consumers_coop_settings.enabled %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Edit Appearance'), 'design-editor', :controller => 'profile_themes', :action => 'index') if @show_appearance_option %> <% end %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Edit Header and Footer'), 'header-and-footer', :controller => 'profile_editor', :action => 'header_footer') if @show_header_footer_option %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Manage Content'), 'cms', :controller => 'cms') %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Manage Roles'), 'roles', :controller => 'profile_roles') if profile.organization? %> <% unless profile.enterprise? %> <%= case profile.blogs.count when 0 control_panel_button(_('Create blog'), 'blog-disabled', :controller => 'cms', :action => 'new', :type => 'Blog') when 1 control_panel_button(_('Configure blog'), 'blog', :controller => 'cms', :action => 'edit', :id => else control_panel_button(_('Configure blog'), 'blog', :controller => 'cms') end %> <% end %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Change Password'), 'change-password', :controller => 'account', :action => 'change_password') if profile.person? %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Manage friends'), 'friends', :controller => 'friends', :action => 'index') if profile.person? %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Manage Members'), 'members', :controller => 'profile_members') if profile.organization? && user.has_permission?(:manage_memberships, profile) %> <% if !environment.enabled?('disable_asset_enterprises') %> <% if profile.is_validation_entity? %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Enterprise Validation'), 'validation', :controller => 'enterprise_validation') %> <% end %> <% if profile.person? %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Favorite Enterprises'), 'favorites', :controller => 'favorite_enterprises') %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if profile.enterprise? and @user_is_admin %> <% if profile.enabled? %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Disable'), 'disable', :action => 'disable') %> <% else %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Enable'), 'enable', :action => 'enable') %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Manage my groups'), 'groups', :controller => 'memberships') if profile.person? %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Manage SPAM'), 'manage-spam', :controller => 'spam', :action => 'index') %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Edit welcome page'), 'welcome-page', :action => 'welcome_page') if has_welcome_page %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Email Templates'), 'email-templates', :controller => :profile_email_templates) if profile.organization? %> <% if profile.person? %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Manage followed profiles'), 'edit-profile', :controller => :followers) %> <%= control_panel_button(_('Manage circles'), 'edit-profile-group', :controller => :circles) %> <% end %> <% @plugins.dispatch(:control_panel_buttons).each do |button| %> <%= control_panel_button(button[:title], button[:icon], button[:url], button[:html_options]) %> <% end %> <% end %>