ref: dockerize
<%= _('Profile settings for %s').html_safe % %>
<%= error_messages_for :profile_data %> <%= labelled_form_for :profile_data, :html => { :id => 'profile-data', :multipart => true } do |f| %> <% if user.has_permission?('manage_environment_templates', profile.environment) %><%= labelled_check_box(_('This profile is a template'), 'profile_data[is_template]', true, @profile.is_template) %><% end %> <%= render :partial => partial_for_class(@profile.class), :locals => { :f => f } %><%= _('Change picture') %>
<%= unchangeable_privacy_field @profile %><%= f.fields_for :image_builder, @profile.image do |i| %> <%= file_field_or_thumbnail(_('Image:'), @profile.image, i) %><%= _("Max size: %s (.jpg, .gif, .png)").html_safe % Image.max_size.to_humanreadable %> <% end %><%= _('Privacy options') %>
<%= content_tag('h4', _('Followers')) %><%= labelled_check_box _("Allow other users to follow me"), 'profile_data[allow_followers]', true, @profile.allow_followers?, :class => "person-can-be-followed" %><%= content_tag('h4', _('Visibility')) %> <% if profile.person? %><%= labelled_radio_button _('Public — show my contents to all internet users').html_safe, 'profile_data[public_profile]', true, @profile.public_profile? %><%= labelled_radio_button _('Private — show my contents only to friends').html_safe, 'profile_data[public_profile]', false, !@profile.public_profile? %><% else %><%= labelled_check_box _("Secret — hide the community and all its contents for non members and other people can't join this community unless they are invited to.").html_safe, 'profile_data[secret]', true, profile.secret, :class => "profile-secret-box" %><%= labelled_radio_button _('Public — show content of this group to all internet users').html_safe, 'profile_data[public_profile]', true, @profile.public_profile?, :class => "public-community-button" %><%= labelled_radio_button _('Private — show content of this group only to members').html_safe, 'profile_data[public_profile]', false, !@profile.public_profile?, :class => "private-community-button" %><% end %> <%= content_tag('h4', _('Wall access')) %> <%= content_tag( 'small', _('Who will be able to see your wall?')) %> <%= slider_field_tag('wall-access', 'profile_data[wall_access]', @profile, @profile.wall_access_levels, @profile.wall_access) %> <% if environment.enabled?('allow_change_of_redirection_after_login') %> <%= render 'redirection_after_login', f: f %> <% end %><%= _('Translations') %>
<%= labelled_check_box( _('Automaticaly redirect the visitor to the article translated to his/her language'), 'profile_data[redirect_l10n]', true, @profile.redirect_l10n )%><%= _('Suggestions') %>
<%= labelled_check_box( _('Send me relationship suggestions by email'), 'profile_data[email_suggestions]', true, @profile.email_suggestions )%> <%= safe_join(@plugins.dispatch(:profile_editor_extras).map do |content| content.kind_of?(Proc) ? self.instance_exec(&content) : content end, "\n") %><%= _('Tags of your interest') %>
<%= render :partial => 'shared/tags_field', :locals => {:f => f, :value => @profile.tag_list} %> <%= select_categories(:profile_data, _('Categories of your interest'), 2) %> <%= button_bar do %> <%= submit_button('save', _('Save'), :cancel => {:action => 'index'}, :option => 'success') %> <%= button(:back, _('Back to control panel'), :controller => 'profile_editor') %> <% end %> <% if user && user.has_permission?('destroy_profile', profile) %> <%= button_bar(:id => 'delete-profile') do %> <% if !environment.enabled?('forbid_destroy_profile') || user.is_admin?(environment) %> <%= button(:remove, _('Delete profile'), {:action => :destroy_profile}) %> <% end %> <% if user.is_admin?(environment) %> <% if profile.visible? %> <%= button(:remove, _('Deactivate profile'), {:action => :deactivate_profile, :id=>}, :id=>'deactivate_profile_button', :data => {:confirm=>_("Are you sure you want to deactivate this profile?")}) %> <% else %> <%= button(:add, _('Activate profile'), {:action => :activate_profile, :id=>}, :data => {:confirm=>_("Are you sure you want to activate this profile?")}) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= javascript_include_tag 'profile_editor' %>