ref: dockerize
<%= _('Moderation options') %>
<% if profile.organization? %><%= _('Email Configuration:')%>
<%= check_box(:profile_data, :profile_admin_mail_notification, :style => 'float: left') %><%= _('Send administrator Email for every task') %><%= _('Invitation moderation:')%>
<%= check_box(:profile_data, :allow_members_to_invite, :style => 'float: left') %><%= _('Allow all members to send invitation (Default: only administrator)') %>
<%= check_box(:profile_data, :invite_friends_only, :style => 'float: left') %><%= _('Allow members to invite only friends (Default: all users)') %>
<%= _('New members must be approved:')%><%= radio_button 'profile_data', 'closed', 'true', :style => 'float: left' %><%= _('Before joining this group (a moderator has to accept the member in pending request before member can access the intranet and/or the website).').html_safe %>"> <%= check_box(:profile_data, :requires_email, :style => 'float: left') %><%= _('New members must allow email visibility to the profile admin') %><%= radio_button 'profile_data', 'closed', 'false', :style => 'float: left' %><%= _('After joining this group (a moderator can always desactivate access for users later).').html_safe %>
<% end %><%= _('New articles posted by members of this group must be approved:')%><%= radio_button 'profile_data', 'moderated_articles', 'true', :style => 'float: left' %><%= _('Before being published in this group (a moderator has to accept the article in pending request before the article be listed as a article of this group).').html_safe %><%= radio_button 'profile_data', 'moderated_articles', 'false', :style => 'float: left' %><%= javascript_include_tag('invite') %><%= _('After being published in this group (a moderator can always remove publicated articles later).').html_safe %>