ref: dockerize


    <%= h page_title %>
    <%= yield(:feeds) %>

    <%= noosfero_javascript %>
    <%= theme_javascript %>
    <%= noosfero_stylesheets %>

      # Load the principal css files:
      stylesheet_import( %w( common help menu article button search blocks forms login-box ),
                         :themed_source => true ) + "\n" +
      import_blocks_stylesheets(:themed_source => true) + "\n" +
      # Load the controller's css file if it exists:
      import_controller_stylesheets(:themed_source => true)
    <%= stylesheet_link_tag template_stylesheet_path %>
    <%= stylesheet_link_tag *icon_theme_stylesheet_path %>
    <%= stylesheet_link_tag jquery_ui_theme_stylesheet_path %>

    <%# Add custom tags/styles/etc via content_for %>
    <%= yield :head %>
    <%= javascript_tag('render_all_jquery_ui_widgets()') %>

    <%= render :partial => 'shared/numbers_only_javascript' %>



<%= language_chooser(environment, :element => 'dropdown') %>
<%= render :file => 'shared/user_menu' %>
<%= _('Manual') %>
<%= insert_boxes(yield) %>
<%# if you need to add HTML stuff to the layout, include it in app/views/shared/noosfero_layout_features.html.erb! %> <%= noosfero_layout_features %>