ref: dockerize
<%= h page_title.html_safe %> <%= yield(:feeds) %> <% unless defined? MetadataPlugin and environment.enabled_plugins.include? 'MetadataPlugin' %> <% end %> <%= noosfero_javascript %> <%= noosfero_stylesheets %> <%# Add custom tags/styles/etc via content_for %> <%= yield :head %> <%= str = (@plugins.dispatch(:head_ending).map do |content| if content.respond_to?(:call) then instance_exec(&content).to_s else content.to_s end end) safe_join(str, "\n") %> <% if current_editor_is?(Article::Editor::TINY_MCE) %> <%= render :file => 'shared/tiny_mce' %> <% end %> <%= _("Go to the content") %> <%= str = (@plugins.dispatch(:body_beginning).map do |content| if content.respond_to?(:call) then instance_exec(&content).to_s else content.to_s end end) safe_join(str, "\n") %><%= global_header %><%= render_environment_features(:logged_in).html_safe if logged_in? %> <%= noosfero_layout_features %> <%= addthis_javascript %> <%= str = (@plugins.dispatch(:body_ending).map do |content| if content.respond_to?(:call) then instance_exec(&content).html_safe else content.html_safe end end) safe_join(str, "\n") %><%= theme_header %><%= render :partial => 'layouts/user' %><%= theme_site_title %>
<%= render 'layouts/content' %>