ref: dockerize


<%= javascript_tag do %>
  jQuery(function($) {
      height: 160,
      width: 450,
      modal: true,
      resizable: false,
      title: "<%= ui_icon('ui-icon-info') + _('Please, wait...') %>",
      open: check_contact_list('<%= contact_list.to_s %>'),
<% end %>

<%= _('Your e-mails contacts are being fetched') %>

<%= _('If it takes too long, you will be redirected to the previous page to try again. Be sure to fill in the fields with your correct login and password.') %> <%= link_to(_('Verify contact list'), {:action => 'invitation_data', :contact_list => @contact_list}, :id => "verify-contact-list", :style => 'display:none') %> <%= link_to(_('Add contact list'), {:action => 'add_contact_list', :contact_list => @contact_list}, :id => "add-contact-list", :style => 'display:none') %> <%= link_to(_('Cancel fetching e-mails'), {:action => 'cancel_fetching_emails', :contact_list => @contact_list}, :id => "cancel-fetching-emails", :style => 'display:none') %>