ref: dockerize


<%= _("%s's validation") % %>

<%= link_to _('Back'), :action => 'index' %> <%= error_messages_for 'pending' %>

<%= _('Provided information') %>

<%= render :partial => 'details', :locals => { :request => @pending } %>

<%= _('Final decision:') %>

<%= _('Approve') %>

<%= _('If this enterprise passes the criteria to be considered an solidarity enconomy enterprise, you can approve it by click the button below.') %>

<%= form_tag :action => 'approve', :id => @pending.code do %> <%= button_bar do %> <%= submit_button('approve', _('Approve')) %> <% end %> <% end %>

<%= _('Reject') %>

<%= _('If this enterprise does not pass the criteria do be considered, use this form.') %>

<%= form_tag :action => 'reject', :id => @pending.code do %> <%= labelled_form_field(_('Please provide an explanation for the rejection. This explanation will be sent to the requestor (required).'), text_area_tag('reject_explanation'))%>
<%= button_bar do %> <%= submit_button('reject', _('Reject')) %> <% end %>
<% end %>