ref: dockerize


<%= button(:back, _('Back to the versions'), {:action => 'article_versions'}) %>
<%= button(:clock, _('All versions'), {:controller => 'content_viewer', :profile => profile.identifier, :action => 'article_versions'}, :id => 'article-versions-link') %> <% if @page.allow_edit?(user) && !remove_content_button(:undo, @page) %> <% content = content_tag('span', _('Revert to this version')) %> <% url = profile.admin_url.merge({ :controller => 'cms', :action => 'edit', :id =>, :version => @version }) %> <%= expirable_button @page, :undo, content, url, :id => 'article-revert-version-link' %> <% end %> <%= button(:forward, _('Go to latest version'), @page.url) %>

<%= %>

<%= _("Version %{version} - %{author} on %{date}") % {:version => @version, :author => @page.author_name(@version), :date => show_time(@versioned_article.updated_at) } %>

<%= _('This is not the latest version of this content.') %>

<% version_license = @page.version_license(@version) %> <%# This seemingly doubled verification exists because the article-sub-header div must appear only if at least one content inside it will appear. Although we have only one content now, we might have others in the future. So we're keeping it like that to avoid mistakes. %> <% if version_license.present? %>
<% if version_license.present? %>
<%= _('Licensed under %s').html_safe % (version_license.url.present? ? link_to(, version_license.url, :target => '_blank') : %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <% cache(@page.cache_key(params, user, language)) do %>
"> <%= @versioned_article.body.html_safe %>
<% end %> <%= display_source_info(@page) %>
<%= add_zoom_to_article_images %>