ref: dockerize


<%= button(:back, _('Go back to latest version'), @page.url) %>
<%= article_title(@page, :no_link => true) %>

<%= _('This is the list of all versions of this content. Select a version to see it and then revert to it.') %>.

<%= form_tag({:controller => 'content_viewer', :action => 'versions_diff', :profile => profile.identifier, :page => @page.path}, :method => 'get') do %>
    <% @versions.each do |v| %>
  • <%= radio_button_tag 'v1', v.version, false, :onclick => 'versionInputClicked(this)' %> <%= radio_button_tag 'v2', v.version, false, :onclick => 'versionInputClicked(this)' %> <%= link_to(_("Version %s") % v.version, @page.url.merge(:version => v.version)) %> <%= @page.version == v.version ? _('(current)') : '' %> <%= _('by %{author}').html_safe % {:author => link_to(@page.author_name(v.version), @page.author_url(v.version))} %> <%= show_time(v.updated_at) %>
  • <% end %>
<%= submit_button(:clock, _('Show differences between selected versions')) %> <% end %> <%= pagination_links @versions, :param_name => 'npage' %>