ref: dockerize
<% if @errors %><% end %><%= n_('This file couldn\'t be saved', 'These %{num} files couldn\'t be saved', @errors.size) % { :num => @errors.size } %>
<%= _('There were problems with the following files:') %>
<% for file in @uploaded_files %> <% for msg in file.errors.full_messages %>
- <%= %> : <%= msg %>
<% end %> <% end %><%= _('Publish media') %>
<%= _("Select the files you want to upload (max size %s):") % UploadedFile.max_size.to_humanreadable %>
<%= _('Documents, Images, Videos, Audio') %>
<%= (_('Uploading files to %s') % content_tag('code', @target)).html_safe%>
<%= form_for('uploaded_file', :url => { :action => 'upload_files' }, :html => {:multipart => true}) do |f| %> <%= safe_join(@plugins.dispatch(:upload_files_extra_fields, params[:parent_id]).collect { |content| instance_exec(&content) }, "") %> <%= render :partial => 'upload_file_form', :locals => { :size => '45'} %> <% end %>