ref: dockerize


<%= _('Select folders') %>

<%= _('Select the folders that will hold the news of the initial page of the environment') %>

<%= labelled_form_field(_('Available folders'), select_tag( 'folders[]', options_from_collection_for_select(@available_portal_folders, :id, :name, nil), {:id => 'portal-folders-list', :multiple => true, :size => 6 }) ) %>
<%= button :down, _('Add'), '#', { :id => 'add' } %> <%= button :up, _('Remove'), '#', { :id => 'remove' } %>
<%= form_tag do %>
<%= labelled_form_field(_('Portal folders'), select_tag( 'folders[]', options_from_collection_for_select(@selected, :id, :name, nil), {:id => 'selected-folders', :multiple => true, :size => 6 })) %>

<%= _('The same order in which you arrange the folders here will be used for arranging the boxes in the environment initial page.') %>

<%= button_bar do %> <%= submit_button 'save', _('Save'), :cancel => {:action => 'index'} %> <% end %> <% end %>