ref: dockerize


<%= _('Account options') %>

<%= link_to _('Change password.'), :action => 'change_password' %> <%= _('It is a good idea to change your password from times to times.') %>

<%= link_to _('Edit Personal details.'), :controller => 'profile_editor', :profile => user.identifier, :action => 'index' %> <%= _('You can change your personal details.') %>

<%= link_to_homepage(_('My home page.'), user) %> <%= _('See your homepage.') %>

<%= link_to(_('Manage content.'), :controller => 'cms', :profile => user.identifier, :action => 'index') %> <%= _('Manage your content.') %>

<%= link_to _('Logout.'), :action => 'logout' %> <%= _('It is always a good idea to make a logout when you finish using the environment.')%>