ref: dockerize
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Tag = ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag class Tag attr_accessible :name, :parent_id, :pending has_many :children, class_name: 'Tag', foreign_key: 'parent_id', dependent: :destroy @@original_find = self.method(:find) # Rename the find method to find_with_pendings that includes all tags in the search regardless if its pending or not def self.find_with_pendings(*args)*args) end # Redefine the find method to exclude the pending tags from the search not allowing to tag something with an unapproved tag def self.find(*args) self.where(pending: false).find_with_pendings(*args) end # Return all the tags that were suggested but not yet approved def self.find_pendings self.where(pending: true) end # All the tags that can be a new parent for this tag, that is all but itself and its descendents to avoid loops def parent_candidates ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.all - descendents - [self] end # All tags that have this tag as its one of its ancestors def descendents children.to_a.sum([], &:descendents) + children end end |