ref: dockerize
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# Represents any organization of the system class Organization < Profile attr_accessible :moderated_articles, :foundation_year, :contact_person, :acronym, :legal_form, :economic_activity, :management_information, :cnpj, :display_name, :enable_contact_us attr_accessible :requires_email settings_items :requires_email, type: :boolean alias_method :requires_email?, :requires_email SEARCH_FILTERS = { :order => %w[more_recent], #:order => %w[more_recent more_popular more_active], :display => %w[compact] } # An Organization is considered visible to a given person if one of the # following conditions are met: # 1) The user is an environment administrator. # 2) The user is an administrator of the organization. # 3) The user is a member of the organization and the organization is # visible. # 4) The user is not a member of the organization but the organization is # visible, public and enabled. scope :listed_for_person, lambda { |person| joins('LEFT JOIN "role_assignments" ON ("role_assignments"."resource_id" = "profiles"."id" AND "role_assignments"."resource_type" = \'Profile\') OR ( "role_assignments"."resource_id" = "profiles"."environment_id" AND "role_assignments"."resource_type" = \'Environment\' )') .joins('LEFT JOIN "roles" ON "role_assignments"."role_id" = "roles"."id"') .where( ['( (roles.key = ? OR roles.key = ?) AND role_assignments.accessor_type = ? AND role_assignments.accessor_id = ? ) OR ( ( ( role_assignments.accessor_type = ? AND role_assignments.accessor_id = ? ) OR ( profiles.enabled = ?)) AND (profiles.visible = ?) )', 'profile_admin', 'environment_administrator',,,,, true, true] ).uniq } scope :visible_for_person, lambda { |person| listed_for_person(person).where( [' ( ( role_assignments.accessor_type = ? AND role_assignments.accessor_id = ? ) OR ( profiles.enabled = ? AND profiles.public_profile = ? ) )',,, true, true] ) } settings_items :closed, :type => :boolean, :default => false def closed? closed end before_save do |organization| organization.closed = true if !organization.public_profile? end settings_items :moderated_articles, :type => :boolean, :default => false def moderated_articles? moderated_articles end has_one :validation_info has_many :validations, :class_name => 'CreateEnterprise', :foreign_key => :target_id has_many :mailings, :class_name => 'OrganizationMailing', :foreign_key => :source_id, :as => 'source' has_many :custom_roles, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => :profile_id scope :more_popular, -> { order 'profiles.members_count DESC' } validate :presence_of_required_fieds, :unless => :is_template def self.notify_activity tracked_action Delayed::Job.enqueue end def presence_of_required_fieds self.required_fields.each do |field| if self.send(field).blank? self.errors.add_on_blank(field) end end end def validation_methodology self.validation_info ? self.validation_info.validation_methodology : nil end def validation_restrictions self.validation_info ? self.validation_info.restrictions : nil end def pending_validations validations.pending end def find_pending_validation(code) validations.pending.where(code: code).first end def processed_validations validations.finished end def find_processed_validation(code) validations.finished.where(code: code).first end def is_validation_entity? !self.validation_info.nil? end FIELDS = %w[ display_name description contact_person contact_email contact_phone legal_form economic_activity management_information template_id address_line2 address_reference profile_kinds location ] def self.fields FIELDS end def required_fields [] end def active_fields [] end def signup_fields [] end N_('Display name'); N_('Description'); N_('Contact person'); N_('Contact email'); N_('Acronym'); N_('Foundation year'); N_('Legal form'); N_('Economic activity'); N_('Management information'); N_('Tag list'); N_('District'); N_('Address completion'); N_('Address reference') settings_items :display_name, :description, :contact_person, :contact_email, :acronym, :foundation_year, :legal_form, :economic_activity, :management_information, :district, :address_line2, :address_reference settings_items :zip_code, :city, :state, :country validates_numericality_of :foundation_year, only_integer: true, if: -> o { o.foundation_year.present? } validates_format_of :contact_email, :with => Noosfero::Constants::EMAIL_FORMAT, :if => (lambda { |org| !org.contact_email.blank? }) validates_as_cnpj :cnpj xss_terminate :only => [ :acronym, :contact_person, :contact_email, :legal_form, :economic_activity, :management_information ], :on => 'validation' # Yes, organizations have members. # # Returns <tt>true</tt>. def has_members? true end def default_set_of_blocks links = [ {:name => _("Community's profile"), :address => '/profile/{profile}', :icon => 'ok'}, {:name => _('Invite Friends'), :address => '/profile/{profile}/invite/friends', :icon => 'send'}, {:name => _('Agenda'), :address => '/profile/{profile}/events', :icon => 'event'}, {:name => _('Image gallery'), :address => '/{profile}/gallery', :icon => 'photos'}, {:name => _('Blog'), :address => '/{profile}/blog', :icon => 'edit'}, ] [ [], [, => links)], [] ] end def default_set_of_articles [ => _('Blog')), => _('Gallery')), ] end def short_name chars = 40 s = self.display_name s = super(chars) if s.blank? s end def notification_emails emails = [contact_email].select(&:present?) + if emails.empty? emails << environment.contact_email end emails end def already_request_membership?(person) self.tasks.pending.where(type: 'AddMember', requestor_id: end def jid(options = {}) super({:domain => "conference.#{environment.default_hostname}"}.merge(options)) end def receives_scrap_notification? false end def members_to_json { |member| {:id =>, :name =>} }.to_json end def members_by_role_to_json(role) members_by_role(role).map { |member| {:id =>, :name =>} }.to_json end def disable self.visible = false save! end def allow_invitation_from?(person) (followed_by?(person) && self.allow_members_to_invite) || person.has_permission?('invite-members', self) end def is_admin?(user) self.admins.where(:id => end def display_private_info_to?(user) (public_profile && visible && !secret) || super end end |