ref: dockerize
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class NationalRegion < ApplicationRecord SEARCHABLE_FIELDS = { :name => {:label => _('Name'), :weight => 1}, :national_region_code => {:label => _('Region Code'), :weight => 1}, } def self.search_city(city_name, like = false, state = nil) operator = "=" find_return = :first adtional_contions = ""; if like operator = "ilike" find_return = :all end if state adtional_contions = " AND = :state " end conditions = [" #{operator} :name AND national_regions.national_region_type_id = :type" + adtional_contions, {:name => city_name , :type => NationalRegionType::CITY, :state => state}]; region = NationalRegion .select(' as city, as state, national_regions.national_region_code') .where(conditions) .joins('LEFT JOIN national_regions as nr ON national_regions.parent_national_region_code = nr.national_region_code') .limit(10) region = region.send find_return return region end def self.search_state(state_name, like = false) operator = "=" find_return = :first if like operator = "ilike" find_return = :all end conditions = [" #{operator} :name AND national_regions.national_region_type_id = :type", {:name => state_name, :type => NationalRegionType::STATE}]; region = NationalRegion .select(' as state, national_regions.national_region_code') .where(conditions) .limit(10) region = region.send find_return return region end def self.validate!(city, state, country) country_region = NationalRegion .find_by(national_region_code: country, national_region_type_id: NationalRegionType::COUNTRY) if(country_region) nregion = NationalRegion.search_city(city, false, state); if nregion == nil raise _('Invalid city or state name.') end end return nregion end end |