ref: dockerize
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class Category < ApplicationRecord attr_accessible :name, :parent_id, :display_color, :display_in_menu, :image_builder, :environment, :parent SEARCHABLE_FIELDS = { :name => {:label => _('Name'), :weight => 10}, :acronym => {:label => _('Acronym'), :weight => 5}, :abbreviation => {:label => _('Abbreviation'), :weight => 5}, :slug => {:label => _('Slug'), :weight => 1}, } validates_exclusion_of :slug, :in => [ 'index' ], :message => N_('{fn} cannot be like that.').fix_i18n validates_presence_of :name, :environment_id validates_uniqueness_of :slug,:scope => [ :environment_id, :parent_id ], :message => N_('{fn} is already being used by another category.').fix_i18n belongs_to :environment scope :alphabetical, -> { order 'name ASC' } # Finds all top level categories for a given environment. scope :top_level_for, -> environment { where 'parent_id is null and environment_id = ?', } scope :on_level, -> parent { where :parent_id => parent } extend ActsAsFilesystem::ActsMethods acts_as_filesystem has_many :article_categorizations has_many :articles, :through => :article_categorizations has_many :comments, :through => :articles has_many :events, :through => :article_categorizations, :class_name => 'Event', :source => :article has_many :profile_categorizations has_many :profiles, :through => :profile_categorizations, :source => :profile has_many :enterprises, :through => :profile_categorizations, :source => :profile, :class_name => 'Enterprise' has_many :people, :through => :profile_categorizations, :source => :profile, :class_name => 'Person' has_many :communities, :through => :profile_categorizations, :source => :profile, :class_name => 'Community' extend ActsAsHavingImage::ClassMethods acts_as_having_image before_save :normalize_display_color def normalize_display_color display_color.gsub!('#', '') if display_color display_color = nil if display_color.blank? end scope :from_types, -> types { if{ |t| t.blank? }.empty? then where(type: types) else where("type IN (?) OR type IS NULL", types.reject{ |t| t.blank? }) end } after_save :change_children_choosable def recent_people(limit = 10) self.people.reorder('created_at DESC, id DESC').paginate(page: 1, per_page: limit) end def recent_enterprises(limit = 10)'created_at DESC, id DESC').paginate(page: 1, per_page: limit) end def recent_communities(limit = 10) self.communities.reorder('created_at DESC, id DESC').paginate(page: 1, per_page: limit) end def recent_articles(limit = 10) self.articles.recent(limit) end def recent_comments(limit = 10) self.comments.reorder('created_at DESC, DESC').paginate(page: 1, per_page: limit) end def most_commented_articles(limit = 10) self.articles.most_commented(limit) end def upcoming_events(limit = 10)'start_date >= ?','start_date').paginate(page: 1, per_page: limit) end def display_in_menu? display_in_menu end def may_change_choosable? self.children.present? and (self.parent.blank? or not self.parent.choosable) end def children_for_menu results = [] pending = children.where(display_in_menu: true).order('path ASC').to_a while pending.present? cat = pending.shift results << cat pending += cat.children.where :display_in_menu => true end end def is_leaf_displayable_in_menu? return false if self.display_in_menu == false self.children.where(:display_in_menu => true).empty? end def change_children_choosable if not self.choosable_was and self.choosable self.children.each do |child| child.update_attribute :choosable, true end end end def with_color if display_color.blank? parent.nil? ? nil : parent.with_color else self end end end |