ref: dockerize
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module SearchHelper MAP_SEARCH_LIMIT = 2000 LIST_SEARCH_LIMIT = 20 BLOCKS_SEARCH_LIMIT = 24 MULTIPLE_SEARCH_LIMIT = 8 def filters_options_translation @filters_options_translation ||= { :order => { 'more_popular' => _('More popular'), 'more_active' => _('More active'), 'more_recent' => _('More recent'), 'more_relevant' => _('More relevant'), 'more_comments' => _('More comments') }, :display => { 'map' => _('Map'), 'full' => _('Full'), 'compact' => _('Compact') } } end COMMON_PROFILE_LIST_BLOCK = [ :enterprises, :people, :communities ] def asset_to_human(asset) custom_names = { articles: _('content') } custom_names[asset] || _(asset.to_s.singularize) end # FIXME remove it after search_controler refactored include EventsHelper def multiple_search?(searches=nil) ['index', 'category_index', 'tag'].include?(params[:action]) || (searches && searches.size > 1) end def map_search?(searches=nil) !multiple_search?(searches) && params[:display] == 'map' end def asset_class(asset) asset.to_s.singularize.camelize.constantize end def search_page_title(title, options = {}) title = "<h1>" + title title += ' - <small>' + options[:category].name + '</small>' if options[:category] title += ' - <small>' + _('Tagged with') + ' ' + options[:tag] + '</small>' if options[:tag] title += "</h1>" title.html_safe end def category_context(category, url) content_tag('div', (category.full_name + _(', ') + link_to(_('search in all categories'), url.merge(:category_path => [], :action => (params[:action] == 'category_index' ? 'index' : params[:action]) ))).html_safe, :align => 'center', :class => 'search-category-context') if category end def display?(asset, mode) defined?(asset_class(asset)::SEARCH_FILTERS[:display]) && asset_class(asset)::SEARCH_FILTERS[:display].include?(mode.to_s) end def display_results(searches=nil, asset=nil) if display?(asset, :map) && map_search?(searches) partial = 'google_maps' klass = 'map' else partial = 'display_results' klass = 'list' end content_tag('div', render(:partial => partial), :class => "map-or-list-search-results #{klass}") end def display_filter(asset, display) asset = :articles if asset == :tag if display?(asset, display) display else asset_class(asset).default_search_display end end def city_with_state(city) if city and city.kind_of?(City) s = city.parent if s and s.kind_of?(State) and s.acronym + ', ' + s.acronym else end else nil end end def select_filter(name, options, default = nil) if options.size <= 1 return else options = {|option| [filters_options_translation[name][option], option]} options = options_for_select(options, :selected => (params[name] || default)) select_tag(name, options) end end def city_with_state_for_profile(p) city_with_state(p.region) || [, p.state].compact.reject(&:blank?).join(', ') end def display_selector(asset, display, float = 'right') display = nil if display.blank? display ||= asset_class(asset).default_search_display if [display?(asset, :map), display?(asset, :compact), display?(asset, :full)].select {|option| option}.count > 1 compact_link = display?(asset, :compact) ? (display == 'compact' ? _('Compact') : link_to(_('Compact'), params.merge(:display => 'compact'))) : nil map_link = display?(asset, :map) ? (display == 'map' ? _('Map') : link_to(_('Map'), params.merge(:display => 'map'))) : nil full_link = display?(asset, :full) ? (display == 'full' ? _('Full') : link_to(_('Full'), params.merge(:display => 'full'))) : nil content_tag('div', content_tag('label', _('Display') + ': ', :class => 'col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-6 control-label form-control-static') + content_tag('div',[compact_link, map_link, full_link].compact.join(' | ').html_safe, :class => 'col-lg-8 col-md-8 col-sm-8 col-xs-6 text-left form-control-static'), :class => 'row' ) end end def filters(asset) return if !asset || asset == :tag klass = asset_class(asset) content_tag('div', safe_join( do |name, options| default = klass.respond_to?("default_search_#{name}") ? klass.send("default_search_#{name}".to_s) : nil select_filter(name, options, default) end, "\n"), :id => 'search-filters') end def assets_menu(selected) assets = @enabled_searches.keys # Events is a search asset but do not have a good interface for #TODO searching. When this is solved we may add it back again to the assets # menu. assets.delete(:events) content_tag('ul', safe_join( do |asset| options = {} options.merge!(:class => 'selected') if selected.to_s == asset.to_s content_tag('li', asset_link(asset), options) end, "\n"), :id => 'assets-menu') end def asset_link(asset) link_to(@enabled_searches[asset], {:controller => 'search', :action => asset}, 'data-tag' => @tag, 'data-category_path' => @category.try(:path)) end def assets_submenu(asset) return '' if @templates[asset].blank? || @templates[asset].length == 1 options = @templates[asset].map {|template| [,]} options = options_for_select([[_('Choose a template'), nil]] + options, selected: (params[:template_id])) select_tag('template_id', options, :id => 'submenu') end end |