ref: dockerize
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module LayoutHelper protected def body_classes [ (logged_in? ? " logged-in" : nil), "#{" responsive" if theme_option :responsive}", "controller-#{controller.controller_name}", "action-#{controller.controller_name}-#{controller.action_name}", "template-#{@layout_template || layout_template}", (!profile.nil? && profile.is_on_homepage?(request.path,@page) ? "profile-homepage" : nil), profile.present? ? profile.kinds_style_classes : nil, ].compact.join(' ') end def html_tag_classes [ body_classes, ( profile.blank? ? nil : [ 'profile-type-is-' +, 'profile-name-is-' + profile.identifier, ] ), 'theme-' + current_theme, @plugins.dispatch(:html_tag_classes).map do |content| if content.respond_to?(:call) instance_exec(&content) else content.html_safe end end ].flatten.compact.join(' ') end def noosfero_javascript plugins_javascripts = @plugins.flat_map{ |plugin| Array.wrap(plugin.js_files).map{ |js| plugin.class.public_path(js, true) } } output = '' output += render 'layouts/javascript' unless plugins_javascripts.empty? output += javascript_include_tag *plugins_javascripts end output += theme_javascript_ng.to_s output += javascript_tag 'render_all_jquery_ui_widgets()' output += template_javascript_ng.to_s # This output should be safe! output.html_safe end def noosfero_stylesheets plugins_stylesheets = { |plugin| plugin.class.public_path('style.css', true) } global_css_pub = "/designs/themes/#{session[:theme] || environment.theme}/global.css" global_css_at_fs = Rails.root.join 'public' + global_css_pub output = [] output << stylesheet_link_tag('application') output << stylesheet_link_tag(template_stylesheet_path) output << stylesheet_link_tag(*icon_theme_stylesheet_path) output << stylesheet_link_tag('designs/icons/awesome/scss/font-awesome') if defined? ResponsivePlugin and not theme_responsive? output << stylesheet_link_tag(jquery_ui_theme_stylesheet_path) unless plugins_stylesheets.empty? # FIXME: caching does not work with asset pipeline #cacheid = "cache/plugins-#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest plugins_stylesheets.to_s}" output << stylesheet_link_tag(*plugins_stylesheets) end if File.exists? global_css_at_fs output << stylesheet_link_tag(global_css_pub) end output << stylesheet_link_tag(theme_stylesheet_path) # This output should be safe! output.join("\n").html_safe end def noosfero_layout_features render :file => 'shared/noosfero_layout_features' end def template_stylesheet_path File.join template_path, "/stylesheets/style.css" end def icon_theme_stylesheet_path theme_icon_themes = theme_option(:icon_theme) || []{ |it| "designs/icons/#{it}/style.css" } end def jquery_ui_theme_stylesheet_path "{jquery_theme}/jquery-ui.css" end def theme_stylesheet_path "#{theme_path}/style.css".gsub(%r{^/}, '') end def layout_template if profile then profile.layout_template else environment.layout_template end end def addthis_javascript return unless NOOSFERO_CONF['addthis_enabled'] javascript_include_tag "//{NOOSFERO_CONF['addthis_pub']}" end end |