ref: dockerize
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module LanguageHelper def language locale.to_s end def tinymce_language language end def html_language language.downcase.gsub('_', '-') end alias :calendar_date_select_language :tinymce_language def language_chooser(environment=nil, options = {}) locales = environment.nil? ? Noosfero.locales : environment.locales return if locales.size < 2 current = language separator = options[:separator] || ' — ' if options[:element] == 'dropdown' select_tag('lang', options_for_select({|code,name| [name, code]}, current), :onchange => "document.location.href= #{url_for(params.merge(:lang => 'LANGUAGE'))}.replace(/LANGUAGE/, this.value) ;", :help => _('The language you choose here is the language used for options, buttons, etc. It does not affect the language of the content created by other users.') ) else languages = do |code,name| if code == current content_tag('strong', name) else link_to(name, params.merge(:lang => code), :rel => 'nofollow') end end.join(separator).html_safe content_tag('div', languages, :id => 'language-chooser', :help => _('The language you choose here is the language used for options, buttons, etc. It does not affect the language of the content created by other users.')) end end end |