ref: dockerize
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module BlogHelper include ArticleHelper def custom_options_for_article(article,tokenized_children) @article = article hidden_field_tag('article[published]', 1) + hidden_field_tag('article[accept_comments]', 0) + visibility_options(article,tokenized_children) + content_tag('h4', _('Visualization of posts')) + content_tag( 'div', check_box(:article, :display_preview) + content_tag('label', _('I want to display the preview of posts before the text'), :for => 'article_display_preview') ) end def cms_label_for_new_children _('New post') end def cms_label_for_edit _('Configure blog') end def list_posts(articles, conf = { format: 'full', paginate: true }) pagination = pagination_links(articles, { :param_name => 'npage', :params => {:action=>"view_page", :page=>articles.first.parent.path.split('/'), :controller=>"content_viewer"} }) if articles.present? && conf[:paginate] content = [] artic_len = articles.length articles.each_with_index{ |art,i| css_add = [ 'blog-post', 'position-'+(i+1).to_s() ] position = (i%2 == 0) ? 'odd-post' : 'even-post' css_add << 'first' if i == 0 css_add << 'last' if i == (artic_len-1) css_add << position content << (content_tag 'div', id: "post-#{}", class: css_add do content_tag 'div', class: position + '-inner blog-post-inner' do display_post(art, conf[:format]) + '<br style="clear:both"/>'.html_safe end end).html_safe } safe_join(content, "\n<hr class='sep-posts'/>\n".html_safe) + (pagination or '').html_safe end def display_post(article, format = 'full') no_comments = (format == 'full' || format == 'compact' ) ? false : true title = article_title(article, :no_comments => no_comments) method = "display_#{format.split('+')[0]}_format" html = send(method, FilePresenter.for(article)).html_safe if format.split('+')[1] == 'pic' img = article.first_image if img.blank? '<div class="post-pic empty"></div>' else '<div class="post-pic" style="background-image:url('+img+')"></div>' end end.to_s.html_safe + title.html_safe + html end def display_compact_format(article) render :file => 'content_viewer/_display_compact_format', :locals => { :article => article, :format => "compact" } end def display_full_format(article) html = article_to_html(article) html = content_tag('p', html) if ! html.include?('</p>') html end end |