ref: dockerize
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module ArticleHelper include TokenHelper include FormsHelper def article_reported_version(article) search_path = Rails.root.join('app', 'views', 'shared', 'reported_versions') partial_path = File.join('shared', 'reported_versions', 'profile', partial_for_class_in_view_path(article.class, search_path)) render_to_string(:partial => partial_path, :locals => {:article => article}) end def custom_options_for_article(article, tokenized_children) @article = article visibility_options(@article, tokenized_children) + topic_creation(@article) + content_tag('h4', _('Options')) + content_tag('div', content_tag( 'div', check_box(:article, :archived) + content_tag('label', _('Do not allow new content on this article and its children'), :for => 'article_archived_true') ) + (article.profile.has_members? ? content_tag( 'div', check_box(:article, :allow_members_to_edit) + content_tag('label', _('Allow all members to edit this article'), :for => 'article_allow_members_to_edit') ) : '') + content_tag( 'div', check_box(:article, :accept_comments) + content_tag('label', (article.parent && ? _('This topic is opened for replies') : _('I want to receive comments about this article')), :for => 'article_accept_comments') ) + content_tag( 'div', check_box(:article, :notify_comments) + content_tag('label', _('I want to receive a notification of each comment written by e-mail'), :for => 'article_notify_comments') + observe_field(:article_accept_comments, :function => "jQuery('#article_notify_comments')[0].disabled = ! jQuery('#article_accept_comments')[0].checked;jQuery('#article_moderate_comments')[0].disabled = ! jQuery('#article_accept_comments')[0].checked") ) + content_tag( 'div', check_box(:article, :moderate_comments) + content_tag('label', _('I want to approve comments on this article'), :for => 'article_moderate_comments') ) + (article.can_display_hits? ? content_tag( 'div', check_box(:article, :display_hits) + content_tag('label', _('I want this article to display the number of hits it received'), :for => 'article_display_hits') ) : '') + (article.can_display_versions? ? content_tag( 'div', check_box(:article, :display_versions) + content_tag('label', _('I want this article to display a link to older versions'), :for => 'article_display_versions') ) : '') + (self.respond_to?(:extra_options) ? self.extra_options : "") ) end def visibility_options(article, tokenized_children) content_tag('h4', _('Visibility')) + content_tag('div', content_tag('div', radio_button(:article, :published, true) + content_tag('span', ' '.html_safe, :class => 'access-public-icon') + content_tag('label', _('Public'), :for => 'article_published_true') + content_tag('span', _('Visible to other people'), :class => 'access-note'), :class => 'access-item' ) + content_tag('div', radio_button(:article, :published, false) + content_tag('span', ' '.html_safe, :class => 'access-private-icon') + content_tag('label', _('Private'), :for => 'article_published_false', :id => "label_private") + content_tag('span', _('Limit visibility of this article'), :class => 'access-note'), :class => 'access-item' ) + privacity_exceptions(article, tokenized_children), :class => 'access-itens' ) end def topic_creation(article) return '' unless content_tag('h4', _('Topic creation')) + content_tag( 'small', _('Who will be able to create new topics on this forum?')) + slider_field_tag('topic-creation', 'article[topic_creation]', article.profile, article.topic_creation_access, article.topic_creation) end def privacity_exceptions(article, tokenized_children) content_tag('div', content_tag('div', ( if article.profile add_option_to_followers(article, tokenized_children) else '' end ) ), :style => "margin-left:10px" ) end def add_option_to_followers(article, tokenized_children) label_message = article.profile.organization? ? _('Allow all community members to view this content') : _('Allow all your friends to view this content') check_box( :article, :show_to_followers, {:class => "custom_privacy_option"} ) + content_tag( 'label', label_message, :for => 'article_show_to_followers', :id => 'label_show_to_followers' ) + ( ? content_tag( 'div', content_tag( 'label', _('Allow only community members entered below to view this content'), :id => "text-input-search-exception-users" ) + token_input_field_tag( :q, 'search-article-privacy-exceptions', {:action => 'search_article_privacy_exceptions'}, { :focus => false, :hint_text => _('Type in a name of a community member'), :pre_populate => tokenized_children } ) ) : '') end def prepare_to_token_input(array) { |object| {:id =>, :name =>} } end def prepare_to_token_input_by_label(array) { |object| {:label =>, :value =>} } end def prepare_to_token_input_by_class(array) { |object| {:id => "#{}_#{ ||}", :name => "#{} (#{_(})", :class =>}} end def cms_label_for_new_children _('New article') end def cms_label_for_edit _('Edit') end def follow_button_text(article) if article.event? _('Attend') else _('Follow') end end def unfollow_button_text(article) if article.event? _('Unattend') else _('Unfollow') end end def following_button(page, user) if !user.blank? and user != if page.is_followed_by? user button :cancel, unfollow_button_text(page), {controller: :profile, profile: page.profile.identifier, action: :unfollow_article, article_id:} else button :add, follow_button_text(page), {controller: :profile, profile: page.profile.identifier, action: :follow_article, article_id:} end end end def filter_html(html, source) if @plugins && source && source.has_macro? html = convert_macro(html, source) unless @plugins.enabled_macros.blank? #TODO This parse should be done through the macro infra, but since there # are old things that do not support it we are keeping this hot spot. html = @plugins.pipeline(:parse_content, html, source).first end html && html.html_safe end def article_to_html(article, options = {}) options.merge!(:page => params[:npage]) content = article.to_html(options) content = content.kind_of?(Proc) ? self.instance_exec(&content).html_safe : content.html_safe filter_html(content, article) end end |