commit 2c12a6b5f9abd7f33c724b4cd4ffbd42e1dd0f3d

Author: Braulio Bhavamitra <>

travis: revert to precise

 .travis.yml | 11 ++++-------

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 0e4b231ce3a5a00584c7d0a05389695356149179..026ce5f18aafd6db7200781ae70be1c4f45a44e9 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -6,15 +6,12 @@       - ""
       - "%{repository_slug} %{branch} %{commit} %{commit_subject} - %{result} %{build_url}"
-# Ensure Container-based environment, as others can have some random failures
-# specially with different Firefox versions and selenium tests.
-# E.g.
-# Also container-based environments have the fatest boot times and
-# are the only one with cache available for public projects.
+# Ensure Container-based environment for faster boot times.
 # See
-dist: trusty
 sudo: false
+# Stick with precise as trusty is at least 50% slower.
+#dist: trusty
 cache: bundler
 language: ruby