commit 2460ddfdfb15d08221829f135d57e0f7a654e04b

Author: Pedro Lucas Porcellis <>

Include translations from orders and cycle plugins

It was reported a bug that somehow out of the blue, the table with user
items added to their cart was being unable to load translations. It
appears that it wasn't being loaded at all.

 plugins/orders/views/orders_plugin_item/_index.html.slim | 3 +++

diff --git a/plugins/orders/views/orders_plugin_item/_index.html.slim b/plugins/orders/views/orders_plugin_item/_index.html.slim
index 7e20ed9db2a2124e15dea84be8f7f3c5a09a1855..2f74968fc15aec0b01d2e32aee8fae4cf392a67c 100644
--- a/plugins/orders/views/orders_plugin_item/_index.html.slim
+++ b/plugins/orders/views/orders_plugin_item/_index.html.slim
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+= js_translations_include plugin: :orders
+= js_translations_include plugin: :orders_cycle
 .order-items-container class="#{'empty' if order.items.size == 0} #{'admin' if @admin} #{'self-supplier' if order.self_supplier?}"
   - if @admin && order.status != "received"
     = render 'orders_plugin_admin_item/add', order: order, actor_name: actor_name