
commit ee554849ac7209fa8f7486327ec9f3b370e4c876

Author: Lars Hjemli <>

cgit.c: respect repo-local 'snapshots' option for --scan-path

The repo-specific 'snapshots' option is bitwise AND'ed with the global
'snapshots' option during parsing, and since the global cgitrc hasn't
been parsed when --scan-path is processed the global 'snapshots' will
always be 0 (i.e. no repo-specific 'snapshots' setting will have any

This patch fixes the issue by setting the global 'snapshots' mask to
0xFF (hence relying on later parsing of the generated cgitrc repolist
to do the right thing).

Signed-off-by: Lars Hjemli <>

 cgit.c | 10 ++++++++++

diff --git a/cgit.c b/cgit.c
index 838163084e91795816184f150fbcea310d0bfb90..3fcca2a2d3f31ec2ae955357018f13e775bc3bbe 100644
--- a/cgit.c
+++ b/cgit.c
@@ -620,6 +620,16 @@ 			ctx.qry.ofs = atoi(argv[i]+6);
 		if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--scan-tree=", 12) ||
 		    !strncmp(argv[i], "--scan-path=", 12)) {
+			/* HACK: the global snapshot bitmask defines the
+			 * set of allowed snapshot formats, but the config
+			 * file hasn't been parsed yet so the mask is
+			 * currently 0. By setting all bits high before
+			 * scanning we make sure that any in-repo cgitrc
+			 * snapshot setting is respected by scan_tree().
+			 * BTW: we assume that there'll never be more than
+			 * 255 different snapshot formats supported by cgit...
+			 */
+			ctx.cfg.snapshots = 0xFF;
 			scan_tree(argv[i] + 12, repo_config);